Sentencing reform should bring accountability and redemption, recently published by the Washington Examiner,  written by Faith and Freedom Foundation’s Executive Director, Tim Head, advocates for commonsense sentencing reform to ensure the criminal justice system offers accountability and redemption for all, especially those who served our country. 

Below is a brief excerpt from Tim’s op-ed. 

Most Americans believe people should be treated with fairness and dignity, with the opportunity for forgiveness and change even when they have committed serious errors and transgressions. This deeply held conviction extends to men and women detained by the justice system, challenging those of us in the conservative policy community to advance positions that ensure accountability while allowing for redemption.   

Unfortunately, our current prison system has failed to sentence offenders according to these precepts. The system too often fails to punish the most dangerous and repeat offenders while severely sentencing minor criminal offenders who have demonstrated contrition and change for the better. The process, as it stands, puts communities at risk and prevents others from positively contributing to our society.  

Fortunately, a few commonsense reforms, beginning with veterans, can ensure the criminal justice system offers accountability, safety, and redemption for all.   

Read the full version of Tim’s op-ed,  Sentencing reform should bring accountability and redemption, on the Washington Examiner’s website.