A sinister industry has crept across the globe and into the United States—the systematic buying, selling, and enslaving of human beings for sex and for illegal labor. In the shadows, the dark world of human trafficking has lived and, tragically, grown. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that nearly 200,000 unique incidents of sexual exploitation of minors happen annually in the U.S. America at large remains unaware of the problem, as is the American faith community.
The grisly and perverse details of human trafficking make it a hard reality to stomach and confront, but this must change—and indeed, such change has already begun. More and more people of faith are coming together to protect life and innocence, however they are threatened. Faith & Freedom has joined the fight to combat trafficking and will work with state leaders to educate members of the church, educators, and law enforcement on how to spot human trafficking and the most effective way to respond.
In October 2023, the WVFFC held the “Protecting Our Children” Summit, a two-day event with other anti-trafficking organizations focused on raising awareness and educating public officials, community leaders, church officials, and others on human trafficking and the best practices to combat it.
In addition, the WVFFC also supports both the Trafficking Survivors Relief Act and the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, both of which are currently being considered by the U.S. Congress.