Timothy Head in the Wash. Examiner: Will Harris preserve our institutions or choose permanent progressive rule?

By Timothy Head in the Washington Examiner:

September 17, 2024

With Election Day less than two months away, voters still have no idea what the Democratic nominee for president truly stands for.

While Vice President Kamala Harris has offered only scripted speeches and two prerecorded TV interviews, fundamental questions about her plans for the nation remain unanswered. If nothing else, her campaign has mastered the art of evading public scrutiny, particularly on deeply unpopular policies she once supported, as well as larger questions regarding our system of governance and the core institutions of our democratic republic.

There is too much at stake to let this silence go unchecked. That is why we at the Faith and Freedom Coalition recently sent a letter to Harris and Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) demanding that the vice president take a definitive stance on several proposals popular within her party that could reshape our country. Specifically, we have asked for clarity on her past openness to abolishing the Senate filibuster, packing the Supreme Court, dismantling the Electoral College, and granting statehood to Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

As we eagerly await her response, we must consider the consequences of the Left succeeding in turning this wish list into reality.

Over the past two decades, the Supreme Court has generally served as a check on progressive excess by defending limited government in accordance with the Constitution and adhering to the founders’ original intent. The Roberts-era rulings on human life, religious liberty, school choice, parental rights, and much more have overall shaped society for the better…

Read More at https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/3156466/kamala-harris-institutions-permanent-progressive-rule/