“Kamala Harris has mastered the art of failing upwards. Despite ending her disastrous 2020 presidential campaign before primary voting even began, Joe Biden chose her to be his running mate. Now, Biden and the rest of the Democratic Party are poised to nominate Harris for president despite her spectacular failure as border czar, her radical support for painful late-term abortions, and her history of ignoring anti-Christian violence while supporting DOJ efforts to prosecute pro-life Americans and target people of faith.

“Harris has consistently rejected widely popular protections for unborn babies and endorsed abortion through all nine months of pregnancy – even proudly campaigning at an abortion clinic earlier this summer. On immigration, unprecedented levels of illegal border crossings continued long after Harris was tasked with solving the ‘root causes of immigration’ as Biden’s border czar. Instead of devising solutions, Harris demonized congressional efforts to secure our southern border – allowing tens of millions of illegal immigrants to cross, human smuggling to flourish, and violent crime against U.S. citizens to skyrocket.

“By the time ballots are cast in November, Faith & Freedom Coalition will ensure every voter of faith is familiar with Harris’ failure to secure our border and protect America’s most vulnerable and voiceless.”

About Faith & Freedom Coalition 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is a national grassroots movement comprised of nearly three million members across the United States. Dedicated to mobilizing and training people of faith for effective civic action, the coalition advocates for Christian values in the public arena and seeks to influence public policy at all government levels.